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Thoughts, Thinkings, and Ideas!
Monday, November 29, 2004
How old?

How old should you be before you stop crying?
How old should you be before you know where babies come from?
How old should you be before you know where Grandma actually went?

How old should you be before you understand why people cry?
How old should you be before you understand why you were born?
How old should you be before you understand why there is death?
How old are you?

I believe, growing up has nothing to do with age at all, but merely the move from the how and where to the why? However, once you start believing you have the answers, and stop asking the questions, you�ve grown up, but grown up to be a fool. In that sense we should never be grown up, but always growing.
Thursday, November 25, 2004

This is a personal peeve of mine. Alright, so when is it gossip, and when is it just sharing experiences about the other person? When is it gossip, and when is it sharing concerns of another person? When is it gossip and when is it just banter?

1. I guess the fundamental problem with gossip for me is that. If this person gossips about other people who knows what they�d say about me to other people.

2. What would this person think if they knew this stuff about them was being said?

3. What is the purpose of this knowledge who does it benefit?

Now isn�t gossip just a proud showing of how you know so much stuff about another person? Or maybe how your much better than they are? How popular you are perhaps? Or how nosy you are? Or how errr concerned you are? Well my philosophy has and people can attest to this, I won�t say anything behind your back I wouldn�t say to your face� of course I say a lot of inappropriate things to people�s faces so I�m working on that. Now I know Rick Warren had a good definition of it. But seeing how I never read that Purple book, I don�t remember.

In conclusion:
If someone tells you something personal about themselves, don�t you feel good that they trust you enough? What do you feel when someone else tells you about that person? I think gossiping cheapens the real thing. It�s like watching a movie in a crappy bootleg copy with a shaky camera, and then watching the real movie in the theatre. You�ve ruined and cheapened the value of watching the real movie in the theatre, you know the plot. In fact maybe a few lines were muffled and you mistook some of the lines, or someone got up and blotted out whole sections of the movie view. If you had refrained, you would have been able to enjoy the real colours, stereophonic sound, the surprise of the plots, and the real feel of the movie and gotten a real experience. Remember if someone knows you watch a lot of bootlegs they�ll stop inviting you to go out and watch in the theatres.
Monday, November 22, 2004
I visited Kingston this weekend. It�s not nearly as strange and awkward as I had anticipated. There were definetly too many people for me to remember them all. However, my rule of thumb is to leave remembering atleast 2 people. So let�s hope that holds up. I had some decent quality time, and some decent quantity time with other as well. All in all thanks for all the people who put me up and were valiant enough to hang out with me. Even though the trip was meant for fun, there�s always things to learn when seeing quality people.

I�ve had many conversations about this topic with someone else. It�s a very odd concept. The definition of a clique is determined by the ability for it to accept a new person, or outsider. And yet, a clique is a natural occurrence between close friends. How can you have close friends in your group if it is too large? And yet if you accepted everyone then wouldn�t your group be getting infinitely larger and then just split into multiple smaller cliques? Heh, I guess, on some level I don�t have a beef about Cliques. As long as it�s a good clique. As in the people in the clique aren�t combining all their evil to become some super evil. I say this only because I think cliques in our age don�t purposely exclude people. It�s just that when you have history with people, it�s hard to have someone new in the fold. However, it�s important that cliques aren�t oblivious to their surroundings, it�s the calling of each individual to notice when another individual needs someone to care. So if people in a clique are able to break off from that clique and spend time to help someone who�s not in the clique because they see the need with the support from the clique. Then that clique is okay in my books. Otherwise�. for shame.

I believed that Life should be a balance. How you have parts of your life. Ie. Green piece is God, blue piece is friends, white piece is family, Red piece is work, Yellow piece is yourself and so on. All these pieces need to balance out. Or the whole circle would crumble. All these pieces are pieces of a pie to complete the circle of your life. Does not this make sense? You need balance? But, the problem is that life isn�t segmented. Things in your life can not balance because they aren�t mutually exclusive. I see it as you have all these pie pieces. Now I take a stirring stick and mix all these colours together. What colour would your life be? If you wanted a lighter colour of your life you�d have put more time in the lighter colours. If you wanted your life to more reflect this other tint you�d have emphasize the other colours. All colours work differently together, some compliment some produce muck. Life is a mixture of everything as each thing affects the other. Shouldn�t there be some green in everything? It�s not a balancing act but a constant effort figuring out what type of colour do you want to create of your life?
Thursday, November 18, 2004

Did you ever have that period of time either in a busy, rushing, or quiet and peaceful experience where time stops. Where you look around and everything freezes and the sounds, smells, sights and feelings all come together. That one snap shot, encompasses an entire experience. This is what a moment is called. This is what lingers in ones memories beyond fleeting flings, thoughts, and insignificant problems. These are the moments we live for. These are the moments, which keep us going. These are the moments, which bring people together. Yet to have these moments, you can�t just make them, you have to take that time to look around and capture them. We are constantly trying to make moments, and neglect to take the time to keep them.


I dunno, perhaps us August babies just get along with November babies. I realize now that a lot of my friends are born in November� which is kinda odd. Does saying happy birthday get hollow after awhile? I guess that�s why people give gifts and cards. Ah well, Happy Birthday everyone born in November. There I fulfilled my obligation!


"You don�t catch whales with worms, but with big fish"

Monday, November 15, 2004
The word "cute"
How dangerous is the word cute now days�.
Girls apparently can use this word so much more freely than guys can. Afterall, the connotations of the word cute have been applied to good looking, very attractive sort of way. Ie. Cute guy.

If guys use the term on girls. It implies a sort of small, perky sort of things. Apparently cute does not necessarily mean good looking in the guys vocab but simply that she is girly.

When people use it on children, it means that these small kids look so cute like little dolls you can play with that move around. However, the cute only extends as far as other people�s children and not your own.

When talking about objects. Cute usually refers to plush toys or objects not defined within the bounds of manly, or girly, however since that zone does not exist for men (as anything not manly is girly). Cute objects are not for guys. But girls. Ie. Tiny boxes that you can�t fit anything into, pillows in the shape of heads. Generally objects that don�t serve any real purpose.

Cute animals. (Cute animals are the ones that bite, carry rabies, and reproduce like crazy without providing any actual uses). It�s the uncute animals that actually are good for the environment. Ie. Rabbits vs worms.

In conclusion cute is word that describes something that is deceptive, useless, superficial and condescending.


To follow up the previous incredibly random and useless post. If you take a negative word like fool. Can you make it a positive thing by adding for God to it? Fool for God.
Very interesting. So can I take any word and add for God to it?
Sacrifice � Sacrifice for God.
Drunk � Drunk on God/ Drunk on the Holy Spirit?
Kill � Kill for God? (Like in the OT?)
How far will semantics take you? What words can you offer to God that He can�t make sound good? Heh, Be cute for God.
Thursday, November 11, 2004

I don�t know if it was the insane amount of television, my lack of being able to focus, or ADD, but my short-term memory has dwindled into oblivion. Don�t you feel frustrated when you were pouring a glass of milk for yourself and then the next thing you know you can�t remember where you put that glass down? Hence loss of short term memory. At any rate, the worst is names. You all know what I�m talking about. How you meet someone and some names stick and you remember, and some names never do. You either forget them completely or warp them into something similar. Like Derek and Eric, or Sharon and Shannon. Stuff like that. At any rate usually the first few times even if I think I remember the name I�ll avoid using it because I�m so unsure if I even got it right. (Usually the one�s that stick are the David�s, and Alex�s, they are staple names and even if I didn�t know your name you always start with the Dave�s and Alex�s it�s just probability.)

The worst thing is if they remember your name, which people tend to do because their memory is so much better. And you can�t remember theirs, or by the time you get the nerve to ask them their name, it�s already too late and you�ve lost the opportunity. I�ve met people 4 or 5 times without ever remembering their name and I can�t very well ask them now! Trust me it�s not personal!

So I was talking to someone about this, and what words we use to substitute the whole name business. For me it comes across because I have bad memory, but what about those people that just know too many names. Well, the advice I got was that this person substituted using names all together and subbing in words like dawg, buddy, dude, bro, hon, babe, and mui. (and other words I won�t repeat here) Well I�m not really comfortable using those words since if I felt close enough to them to call them hon and buddy, you�d think I�d remember their names. I don�t understand the need to make people think they are closer than they are. Like how people use the word friend so loosely now a days. It sorta takes the power of the word away. I generally say I know someone. And only if I consider them a real friend, will I refer to them as one. I�m just not comfortable with the pretense of giving the illusion of things that are not true. So if I can say I only have 5 friends. I�m happy with that. I�d rather have 5 friends that I consider FRIENDS as opposed to 100 friends which really are classified under acquaintances. (I really consider that exaggerating, and spinning the reality. It�s not that they are considered friends just that you refer to them to other people you just throw out the word friends) What do you think? Who do you call friend? Just because you know each others name doesn�t make them your friend, it just means you have good memories.
Monday, November 08, 2004

Firstly, this weekend was great. Thanks to everyone who was so hospitable up in Kingston. It was great fun, and I was so thankful that God provided a scheme where I got to meet so many interesting and cool people. You guys definetly have a great community going on up there.

Secondly, why do you check blogs? I have realized that there are different types of blogs and different types of things you expect from blogs. For instance, I go check let�s say Rani�s blog and find educational wisdom. Or I check Alex�s blog and get random rants and other errr Alex type randomness. Some people use blogs to vent, others to tell about their daily stresses, some do it out of habit, others do it out of sharing wisdom, and still others use it as a tool for witnessing. Why do you check this blog? Is it to see what controversial, and stupid things Dan will actually post? Hmm. In reality, the type of blog one has reflects the type of person he/she is. So I guess the statement I get to, is that I learn more from a person not on what he/she "blogs" about, but what type of "blog" it is.

It is not on the actions on which we are judged, but on the motives. For true sight is not from the eyes, but from the heart.

What type of "blog" do you want to write? What type of person do you wanna be? Even I wish I could write more thoughtful posts, and have people think, wow this person is very thoughtful. (Which is not the same as someone who has a lot of thoughts, quality over quantity!) I think fundamentally it might all come down to.. who?
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Election Results

Well Bush won. Which although a bit disturbing, is encouraging at the same time. For one thing Bush heavily was against same sex marriage, and the morality of Christian beliefs. And because of the huge population in US of born again Christians, I believe that�s what won it for him. I think a fatal democrat mistake was not incorporating this more into their platform.

Although I severely have doubts in Bush�s ability to think long term and am sometimes scared by his disregard of other countries, I think now that he�s been chosen by the American people, they should stand together and support their leader. To support the president even if you didn�t� vote for him, and to criticize the president even if you did vote for him. That�s the true responsibility of a proud American.

Alright, so the American elections are way too slow. For the Canadians the election process is done after you hit Ontario, but the ones for US can last weeks depending on recounts and stuff. How absurd.


Alright, so here is something I�ve heard. Guys don�t give gifts to other guys unless it�s a group gift (usually the gift is not all guys). Reason: It�s gay, and guys know other guys don�t like shopping so why force them to shop? (There are exceptions to the gift rule, if that guy can�t afford it and you all chip in to get it for him I guess). Of course girls can give gifts because well they love shopping (So it�s a bit of a gift for them too). And you have to buy gifts for girls because� well I�m not going to say, because I don�t understand it myself. Guys like to do stuff, girls like getting stuff. That�s just how it works. I don�t make the system I just try to follow it. So where do you stand on gifts? If all your friends give you a gift except one friend do you think less of that friend? Or are you not big into gifts at all? Isn�t it better just to be able to get quality time from that person? How old are you before it�s too old to have a party? All good valid questions. I say gifts are nice, but I�d give up a gift for a good quality hour of conversation with someone in a heartbeat. I recall someone telling me, don�t� force yourself to get someone something just for special occasions. If you see something that you have to get someone just get it for them, if you don�t, don�t give the guy more junk just because you think he/she expects to get something.
Monday, November 01, 2004

With the elections in the US hanging ever so closely, the balance of the next 4 years also hangs. I never realized how much this choice affects us Canadians. After all, look at how much has changed in the last 4 years. I�ve watched all 3 debates, and I have read about the candidates and their platforms. It is important to note that platforms are pretty much held with a grain of salt ,and really you can only take out of the basic principles. Here�s where I stand. Surprisingly I relate a lot more to the republican platform as most Christians in the US do. Afterall Bush has put in a lot of Christian leaders in prominent roles. He's against same-sex marriage, and definetly holds up morality to the best of his ability although sometimes not in the correct way. Morally, his standard is a lot less compromising than the Democratic liberal way. However, economically Bush is a disaster. US international status is in the dump, the country GDP growth has become pretty bad, he's the first president to lose jobs in his term, their dollar is falling, they are in debt up their bazoo, and they are in war which means constant bleeding of resources. I also mention that looking at Bush, I just don�t trust him. Sometimes I wonder if he believes in what he�s doing or just hiding behind good intentions. I was upset that he walked away from the Kyoto agreement, but I don�t know how you let him get away with attacking Iraq saying there are weapons that no one found, going against the UN, saying he�s stopping terrorism but ignoring bin laden, and flying in a plane telling everyone he won the war like a hero when it didn�t even really start yet. At any rate, I hope blue wins. If it was a clean slate I�d probably vote Bush. But he had his chance and his country is messed up so he obviously sucks.

On the other hand, I�m always cheering for the Canadian dollar, and Bush is doing wonders for that competition! Of course, I�m not so happy about those oil prices. Why were oil prices low when I couldn�t drive and skyrocket when I start driving a lot? In conclusion, I�m bitter about the US, because they are proud, and I don�t like pride. Which is why the US is going downhill. Of course whenever they get scared or threatened they respond with guns. So we�ll see a lot more action before things settle out.

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